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The PQ®️ Mental Fitness Program

A straightforward, research-based model synthesizing the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science. The program is designed to deepen self-awareness, develop one's ability to stay in the present moment and improve navigation of mental stress and other negative emotions.

Everyone has voices in their heads that get in the way, hold us back, tell us we are wrong, and keep us from reaching our full potential. Sometimes those voices are loud and bombastic and sometimes they are soft and treacherous. The PQ®️ Mental Fitness Program is designed to help you recognize these voices, stop them in their tracks, and give you space to respond to challenging situations with intention.


The primary Saboteur is the Judge.

Everyone carries the judge around in their head.


The Judge also has help in the form of Accomplice Saboteurs.

Curious to know which Accomplish Saboteurs show up the most for you?
Take the free Saboteur Assessment.

PQ®️ Mental Fitness Activity Schedule

Watch 60-minute focus of the week video lecture.
— Weekly
Attend facilitated group pod call to discuss learnings, share struggles, and celebrate wins*
— Weekly
Listen to 2-min Daily Focus in AM, do three 2-min Coach Challenges throughout the day, one Reflection in PM
— Daily
Engage with pod via chat program by posting thoughts, questions, and/or encouragement*
— Daily

*The program can be run in a cohort format meaning you could take this journey with others or you are welcome to access the program individually or as part of the Leadership Coaching program.

© 2024 Positive Intelligence, LLC. All rights reserved. No reproduction, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without prior written permission from Positive Intelligence, LLC. POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE and PQ®️ COACH are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC.